A Big Island Welcome to 2014 (English/Japanese)
Greetings of the new year!
Talking about the cold, I am sure that it's becoming tougher on the mainland. We even had hail on Oahu and of course snow atop our Mauna Kea. Somehow it feels colder than usual, perhaps it is because I turned 50 in December, and yet I feel a need to connect with the deep blue sea & blue sky during the day. I love open water swimming and on some days you can hear the conversation of whales. If you are not into the ocean then still you can enjoy watching wales from the cliffs under a palm tree. It is common to see, between January and March, a mother and her calf swimming together in the calm ocean blue.
新年の御挨拶を申し上げます。 日本はそろそろ寒さも厳しくなってるのではないでしょうか。 アメリカ本土でも今年の寒さは半端ではなくいたるところでいろんな被害が出ています。 ここハワイも例年よりも朝、夕の冷え込みが厳しく、ほんとにハワイかしらと思うほど寒い日もあり、なんと先週はオアフ島なんかでも雹が降ったぐらいです。でも、日中はブルースカイに真っ青な海。 この時期はのんびりと海でヤシの木の下で過ごしながら鯨の姿を見るのを楽しんだり、Open water swim が大好きな私は鯨の会話を聞きながら泳いでいます。 1月から3月が一番鯨の親子で泳ぐ姿がよくみられる時です。
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- Published in Big Island